Frequently Asked Questions
Reflexology is the natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hands, feet and ears that correspond to all parts of the body, internal and external, including glands and organs.
A health history will be taken at the first appointment. The client is placed in a comfortable position so that the reflexologist can work on the bare feet, hands or ears. Sessions last approximately one hour. The reflexologist considers the body as an entire unit by applying specific pressure using thumb, finger and hand techniques on all reflex points.
By stimulating all areas of the body, this gentle treatment allows the body to come back into balance, thus relieving stress and helping the body to heal from within. Most people find a treatment extremely relaxing, some even fall asleep during the session.
Reflexology is a complement to all conventional medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, massage therapy and other healing practices.
Cranio-sacral is the name given to the approach to osteopathy developed by Dr. Sutherland 100 years ago. He saw how the bone structure of the skull permitted slight motion and noted that restriction of normal motion due to injury, trauma or disease could affect health. The cranial osteopath works gently with the bones in the skull and associated bodily systems to remedy such conditions. The Reflexologist can achieve the same result by combining an understanding of cranio-sacral therapy with conventional reflexology, since the bones of the feet reflect the skull and sacrum exactly.
The body’s inner health is perceived through a gentle pulse called the CSRI. It arises at the core of the body within the brain and spinal cord and the fluid, which surrounds them. It is a tide-like rhythm, which expresses itself throughout all of the body. Areas of congestion and restriction in function of any part of the body can be felt as an imbalance in its motion and treated.
A reflexologist has a highly developed sense of palpation and is trained to detect and assess the dynamic state of the body tissues;’ Both within the feet and the rest of the body. By using the gentle techniques of Cranio-Sacral Reflexology” the practitioner is able to release the strain patterns found and support the body in its attempt to return to an ideal state of balance and function for healing to progress.
Cranio-Sacral Reflexology is suitable for everyone, from newborn babies to the elderly including those with fragile and acute medical conditions.
* Baby and Infant Conditions* Colic, sucking difficulties, reflux* Premature babies* Recurrent ear and throat infections *Irritability, insomnia, excess crying* Development and behavioural delay/ disorders* Poor hand/eye coordination* Difficulties in turning the head* Birth trauma* Adult General Trauma and Conditions * Sinusitis* Stress related illness, depression* Jaw disorders* Bronchitis and Asthma* Insomnia* Depression* Migraine* Tinnitus* Back, shoulder and neck pain* Whiplash and sports injuries.